Hello loyal readers ...
so I have been battling with the decision to stop the blog for a few weeks now...thats why I havent blogged in FOREVER...I guess I'm just not really into it anymore...yes I still love african celebrity gossip and the reason I created this blog was because I felt like there were not any sites that were catering to that need...there are many black celeb gossip blogs like concreteloop.com,theybf.com,mediatakeout ,globalgrind etc but in terms of african blogs ..i didnt know any when I started..yes there are blogs like bellanaija.com and others that have an african focus but those are more into covering nigerian entertainment/gossip.I wanted people to be informed about celebs who represent all corners/countries in Africa from Djimon Hounsou to Goapele to Estelle to Laura Izibor etc...and I feel as though I succeeded..
Through this blog,I have been exposed to so many new afropolitan talents from musicians to actors to painters etc...and it has been fun discovering all these people who are definitely inspirational to any african trying to pursue an unconventional career...
All good things must eventually come to an END and I just dont have the time anymore to blog as much as I want to and would rather stop now than leave the blog un-updated for months,....I am a college student with a job and an internship and writing for jamati.com and trying to write for other publications so you will still see my work...
I would like to thank EVERYONE who ever read ,commented/browsed through the blog and showed support..i def didnt think it would be up this long...
thanks again ..
PS:The blog will be up for u to go into the archives ...i just wnt update it..