EGO(Definition):an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others
So I decided to get back to blogging on this space...a because I missed blogging /writing in general and B because when I decided to quit,people asked me to reconsider and were telling me how much they liked the blog and how it kept them informed on african celebrity gossip...which was always my intention..
Im not sure if this return is permanent as I do have various projects Im tryna get off the ground asap ..if ur curious about that ,read all about it on
Heres the deal im offering should i decide to stay...i knw y'all support me on fb and all,but if u could comment on the blog and post your thoughts after u read an article u like...or dont like (i also appreciate constructive criticism) then that wud make me SMILE...im human and i like being praised for my actions sometimes ..so come on and lather some love on my posts...STROKE MY EGO BABY....