Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oh No They Didn't! Souija Boy said what about AFRICA?

Here is the first installment of my new series "Oh No They Didn't".It will feature celebs who should be ashamed of themselves for saying negative and un-true things about our continent.
For this one,we have Souija boy.He was recently interviewed by a reporter from BET and he was asked "which historical figure he hated most" and these are his words
"Oh wait! Hold up! Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we’d still be in Africa.”

And that's not all ..he then proceeded to say ,
We wouldn’t be here, get this ice and tattoos.”

Wow.Someone needs to be educated.Beyond that,I don't even know what to say.I'm tired of the ignorance.

To see more of this story ,click here.You can also see what people had to say about SB'S bull s here.

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