Seems like reality shows are popping up all over Africa ,and the latest african reality show in the making will air in April and will be hosted by Big Brother Africa's first ever winner , zambian Cherise Makubale .Gaetono Kagwa ,who was also another contestant on the show from uganda will also host .He currently hosts the lifestyle show "Studio 53".Here is a brief description of the show ,courtesy of jamati.com.
" The international show called Africa’s World Best (AWB) reality TV talent show is the first ever to bring together 60 Africans from all parts of the world into one house competing for one title with the biggest prize in the history of African TV to be won.
AWB Launch Party
The winner will in fact take home a cash prize of USD $100,000 and a brand new car.
AWB will go live in April. The show will involve talents such as singing, acting, performing arts, Comedy, poetry, script writing, dressmaking, jewellery making, sculpturing, dancing and other unique talents. All Africans with any special talent are strongly encouraged to apply ".
Contestants on the show ,who will range from singers,actors,comedians etc will have to live in a house for 60 days and there will be weekly evictions as voted by the public.So it's kind of like big brother mixed with idols and project fame.
I like the concept of the show,but I don't get the prize .If the aim is to expose africa and the world to talent,why not give a prize like a recording contract (if a singer wins) or something other than a car.I think the title is pretty lame as well.
What do u think?What should the prize be?For more info on the show ,check out