For those of you who watched America's Next Top Model's last season,you will remember Fatima Said ,the Somalian model who didn't win the show,but is still making paper by appearing in various magazines.Her latest poses were struck for Cosmo-girl's November 2008 issue in a Cover -Girl ad.I find that quite ironic,in that the winner of the show (Whitney in this case) scores a cover-girl campaign,and although she didn't win,Fatima and not Whitney has her face in Cosmo-girl .Ne hoo,she also appears in Essence magazine's November 2008 issue looking FIERCE!All i can say is go make that money Fatima!
Oh and I googled the other model in the pic and her name is Ayan Elmi.Her bio states that she is Candian,but I actually dicovered that she is African.I'm not sure exactly where she's from ,but I'm betting its East Africa (Ethiopia ,Sudan ,somalia are my three guesses)
So peep those gorgeous pics from Cosmo-girl ,Essence mag and style Bermuda incase you missed it (or never buy them),and some behind-the scenes pics.And let me knw which pics you like!
Ayan Elmi is from Somalian, but she now Canadian citizen so she is Somali Candadian
When you become a Canadian citizen you are a Canadian, you are not a hyphenated Canadian. We celebrate our heritage, but we live in the present as Canadians. People move to Canada because the people who founded the country built something that the world envied. We are happy to accept people from around the world, however when you move here, identify yourself as a Canadian.
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